I decided it's time you all know the truth. I have a stalker window.
You see, i've conveniently placed my computer desk up against a front window of our house. Oh yes, the breeze is nice, but the ULTIMATE satisfaction comes from stalking. Mr. Smith... cutting outta work a little early, I see...
I think I remember how it all began. One uneventful day I was on my homepage catching up on some ... rather lackluster facebook status updates and I found myself distracted, peeking over the window planter at the gorgeous day outside. There were cars going by, the kid one house down was practicing his pitch, and two young mothers out for a walk had stopped to chat. Nothing about that particular moment seemed all that spectacular, but little did I know I had stumbled upon my portal to the neighborhood. My stalker window. Why is that guy washing his car again?! You see, living on base is a little like living on Wisteria Lane. (Only without the infidelity, occasional death, and other drama). Everybody knows everybody, everybody lives close together, and everybody has WINDOWS. We all do it. I'm not the only stalker who hides behind a window planter. Anyway, I thought I would share my view. Oh look, my neighbor is back from a bike ride.
Oh SNAP! No more naked Sunday's at our house!