These black and white scavenger birds are popular here in southern Spain. Not a day goes by where I don't hear or see one of these little guys. They often frequent our back lawn in search of tasty piles of... well... you know. I SAID they were scavengers didn't I? Don't hate. Just because they are sh*t eaters doesn't mean they can't be pretty.
Anyway. Surprisingly enough... they are very skiddish. I can't even walk by the window without them flying away. These photos were taken from INSIDE through the window by hiding behind the wall and slowing sticking my hand out in front of the glass. It was the only way I could get a picture of them without them taking off.
SO YEAH, knowing this, you'd THINK they'd be TERRIFIED of a dog right? A dog sitting RIGHT outside with them, staring them down. I mean, a DOG has a lot better chance of causing it harm than a human. Well, apparently these birds are smarter than they appear. Apparently they've seen how stealthily Sultan can move. They must have observed him from the trees and said "AHA! Take note! Fear NOT the black creature for it runs in circles and into fences." Smart birds...
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