For this reason, I was a bit worried I'd DEARLY miss fall this year. Of course, living in Spain we don't get the colors, the smells OR the Dunkins (for shame!). What would I do without fall as I know it? Well, I didn't know until this morning. :) Recently, my spanish partner brought me to a small, local bar that serves eggs for breakfast (a rare treat in Southern Spain.) I couldn't wait to introduce Matty to the delicious egg, ham and cheese guatanga (sandwich)! We were even able to enjoy our breakfast at an outside table; an interesting start to our fall morning considering it's LATE October! (Where's the chill?! I should be cold!) After breakfast we took the pups to a newly found section of pine forest along the ocean for some exploring. They were MORE than excited. :) The temperature was perfect, and the forest was quiet, but the BEST part of our morning was yet to come. I hoped the beach would be quiet so the dogs could get some desperately needed off-leash time, but what we found... went miles beyond this.
After seeing the bustling beaches all summer, I FORGOT how quiet and peaceful the beaches can be. You see, fall may bring cider and pumpkins and colors in New England, but fall here brings mild weather and miles of uncombed, untouched beaches just waiting to be enjoyed. QUE FANTASTICO! The tide was SO low and this particular section of the beach had rocks that seemed to go on forever! Matt reverted back to childhood, hopping from tidepool to tidepool seeing what critters he could "catch," and the dogs (who've waited all summer to be once again leash-free) were in heaven. And so, the four of us, together, spent the morning slipping on green rocks and searching for sea life. And THAT is a fall morning I will never forget. :)
I must always remember to appreciate where I live for what it IS instead of wishing for something else. Sadly, I find far too many Americans living on the base here that are always able to talk about what Spain doesn't have and never able to see what it does.
"If we were home in the states we could..."
"If only we were back in the US where we could..."
"I miss America, because there you can..."
The next time you find yourself saying something like the above, getting all poo-poo on where you're living and feeling sorry for yourself: STOP! Rather than bumming about the differences, try appreciating them!
This soapbox moment was brought to you by... ;)
Matt and I just had one of the most amazing mornings we've had in SUCH a long time and we were 15 minutes from our home. We didn't have to go on some special vacation. We didn't have to spend any money. We just took the dogs, got in the car, and went. :) I took lots of photos, so I could share it all with you! Enjoy...
WOW! Tristin! God has truly blessed you - both with these experiences and with the wisdom to appreciate them and with the eloquent writing ability to convey them for what they are!!! What a great read, thanks :) Oh and those pictures are amazing.. glad you shared because I would not have even imagined it looking that gorgeous!! HAPPY FALL!!!!