Yesterday Matt and I spent our Memorial day in Sevilla with friends. It was an amazing day, and I feel we learned, experienced and tried SO many new things. Here's a list of the top twenty:
1. Driving to Sevilla IS possible.
2. The toll to Sevilla is 5,90 euro not 6,00. ;)
3. Sangria is DELICIOUS!
4. Matt likes Gazpacho.
5. Matt refuses to try caviar. :)
6. Sevillian restaurant patios use MISTers!!!
7. Waiters in Spain won't kick you out and infact, PREFER that you sit at their table all day (less work for them). Makes sense. They're salary... :)
8. There are 34 stories you must climb to get to the top of the Cathedral bell tower. Ask Susan, she knows.
9. The locals think I speak Spanish "well". (Yahoo!)
10. The reason no one sits at the cute tables UNDER the trees is because they know you will get shat on by birds. (Sorry you had to learn that the hard way Susan.)
11. 100 degrees in Spain isn't as hot as it is where we come from. (The local men were still wearing long pants and dress shirts rolled to their elbows!)
12. I am a better Garmin-assisted navigator than my husband. ;)
13. Susan Dalton buys Spanish fans like junkies buy crack.
14. Sean Dalton can't quite finish a whole platter of sheep cheese himself.
15. If you ask a Spanish waiter VERY nicely in his own language, he JUST might make you a Rebujito by the glass when it is supposed to only come by the pitcher. :)
16. The Santa Cruz barrio is a must see, and must visit again for MORE.
17. I find it hard to breathe and/or concentrate when I get around hand-painted Spanish ceramics.
18. There are more restaurant choices on one block in Sevilla than there are in most small towns in America.
19. Sevilla is home to some trippy trees. They are something you'd see on an acid trip! No, but seriously, those things are a trip hazard! ;)
20. It is impossible to see it all.
I LOVE those big trees! Aunt Barb