Puget Sound Sunset

Puget Sound Sunset

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

POTD "Dead End Street"

Dead End. Something about that always sounded a bit eerie. There's only one way out! You could get trapped!!! When I was growing up, I was convinced that nothing good ever happened at the end of a dead-end street. I would see that ominous "DEAD END" sign and I immediately pictured ugly, hissing alley cats, dark corners and drug deals. 

How wrong I was! We live at the end of a dead end street here, and I absolutely love it. It's quiet, and safe, and friendly. (Somebody knock on some wood.) 

There are always neighbor kids riding their bikes up and down the street or drawing in it with chalk. Yesterday about 5 PM, we were waiting for Dad to get home, so we brought the stomp rocket out into the street to play. It was a big hit with the neighbors. We shot down the street and tried to catch it. Today's POTD is a mid-stomp shot of our neighbor Jasmine. Her brother, Jonah, and Finlay are waiting down the street in proper catching position. 

It was just such a beautiful Cinco de Mayo evening. I cracked open a beer and stayed outside playing with the kids as long as I possibly could. But, alas, I finally had to go in and cook dinner.

We had homemade margaritas, store-bought "fresh" salsa, and an Ortega taco kit. And you know what... it was delicious. There wasn't even a small part of me that wished I was out fighting for a seat at a Mexican restaurant. I was happy. Hope you had a great Cinco de Mayo as well. 

Kai watching the blast-offs. All those toys and he preferred the beer bottle. Boy after my own heart... :)

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