Puget Sound Sunset

Puget Sound Sunset

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

POD "Fields of Gold"

This time of year, the countryside of southern Spain is absolutely beautiful. The gently rolling hills of farmland are often filled with acres upon acres of girasoles (aka sunflowers). I, of course, noticed these vibrant fields of gold last year, but never took the time to pull the car over onto one of many small, eroding, dirt farming roads to take some photos. This year... I was not missing my chance! Here are just a few photos I snagged of the yellow beauties (and a lush, green vineyard) while Matty was in Germany. :)

1 comment:

  1. The countryside looks very nice, its to easy to thing of Spain as being a place of crowded beaches night clubs and little else, its good to see the real Spain.
