Puget Sound Sunset

Puget Sound Sunset

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

POD "Sad Suds"

Today's POD makes me sad. A sink full of bottles. It's a sadness that Matt can't understand. A sadness that only a mother can understand, more specifically, a breastfeeding mother.

For various reasons, I have started the weaning process and we're nearing completion. Today is probably the last day I will nurse Finlay.

Most people can understand the freedom that comes with finishing nursing. Now anyone can feed Finlay. Now I can take longer breaks for "me" time. Now I can drink as much coffee, wine, or beer that my heart desires. Now I can pop a bottle in his mouth wherever, whenever with no concern over who my exposed breast may offend.

Still, what probably only mother can understand,(or a person who is abnormally and amazingly empathetic) is why nevertheless, I am still sad.

So today, during the one bf session I have left, I will hold him close and cherish it. I will thank God that I have been able to BF at all. I will remember how lucky I am to have a baby that is growing strong and eating well and transitioning to the bottle so smoothly. AND,I will be clinging to the hope that I will be blessed with one or two or three more babies to share in this special moment with. Oh yeah, and...I will cry.

1 comment:

  1. I am breastfeeding as I am reading this and I am crying for u and for the day when I have to wean!!! Sorry Tristin! !!!
