Puget Sound Sunset

Puget Sound Sunset

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Sunny Stroll

This morning I had totally made mental plans to take care of the mountain of recyclables in our garage. But then, for the THIRD day in a row, the SUN came out! So I basically said screw the errands! We need a relaxing day at home to enjoy the weather!
With the amaaazing additional hour of sunlight at night, Matt and I are making an effort to get out and exercise a few times a week. Usually I bring Fin in our single Bob stroller, so I know he's pretty good at just chillaxing, loudly pointing out cars, talking to himself, and randomly insisting that I go faster. :) Kai, on the other hand, is relatively unpredictable. The last time I tried to bring both of them on a long walk I ended up pushing an empty double stroller with Fin running next to me and an angry Kai strapped to my chest. Thank Goodness my favorite neighbor Dick happened to be driving by and saw the disheveled mess that I was, stopped, threw the stroller in the back of his pickup and brought us home. :) Yay Dick! Photos from that adventure back in October:
Dick the superhero loading the stroller and Mumma very happy to be hitching a ride home.

So back to today. With Kai's newfound love for pacifiers... oh my goodness... he is even more easygoing. So, I decided to take a chance and bring them both on a walk.  
I told Fin we were going down a really steep hill and he shouts "UH OH! Hold tight Kai!"
And then he grabbed his leg. Heart =puddle of mush.
Great views of the ocean are about a five minute walk away.
The bad news is... it's all downhill leaving our house, so at some point, you have to go back up this beast of a hill. (Trust me, the photo does it no justice.) Oh, and don't forget, I'm pushing 60+ pounds in a double stroller.

Sunshine Selfie
Once we get back to our little dead end road, I let Fin get out and "jog" too.
He loves running
... and pretending to fall.

Thank God for quiet dead end streets, exercise, fresh air, happy boys and SUNSHINE!

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