Puget Sound Sunset

Puget Sound Sunset

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life is Just Beachy

Last Sunday we decided it was time, so we packed up our new addition and bravely ventured out for the first time as a family of four. It was probably the most beautiful day we've had since moving to Washington, so after Fin's nap, we drove about 45 minutes south to check out Double Bluff beach. 

Most of the beaches on Whidbey Island seem to be rocky beaches, but Double Bluff is one of just a few that are made of primarily sand. 

It takes a lot longer to get out of the house these days and there are a lot more things I need to remember. I think we had enough bags to stay at the beach for a week. It's actually pretty funny. Most places I go now, I have to sit in the car for about five minutes before exiting  because I'm whipping up a game plan of how I'm going to get myself, my bag, my children ... etc inside. 

But I digress ... back to the beach. Not the best beach we've ever been to, (in fact, there's a sandy beach closer to us that we prefer)  but the water was calm, the sand was warm, and the views were beautiful. 

The summer weather here on Whidbey Island in the Puget Sound of Washington state isn't quite what I'm used to. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it's cooler than the 80  to 90 degree summer temps that I've sometimes experienced. Even when the forecast says it's going to be 70 degrees, at our house in the shade of the pine trees on the west side of the island it's often as low as 60! So, for this trip I didn't even pack anybody a swimsuit!  Just shorts, a T-shirt, capris for me... 

Well! The weather was beautiful! It had to have been about 75°. Why, oh why had I not brought the suits!?! Oh well. The boys enjoyed the water regardless. :) 
My 3 guys all squeezed into the baby tent!
Enjoying some gusanitos on the beach!
My tired Kai Guy napping in my lap under the shade of the hooter hider ;)

I'm writing this blog post today as I look out the window at the gray dreary skies and the wet drizzly rain. I think fall has officially arrived. It makes me even more grateful that we squeezed in one beach day this summer!

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